How to Best Distribute B2B Content with Paid Media


Here at Imperic Media we recently published a thorough case study following the award-winning content distribution strategy we created for Travelport Digital. The case study follows the full process of creating and applying that strategy, including multiple helpful tools that are ready to use.

While distributing Travelport Digital’s carefully-crafted content, we found ourselves relying on a pattern of distribution. We began by using tools like Google Draw to visualise and map the user journey. To best reach those users, we introduced ad synchronisation across all platforms so that users could easily recognize our client’s branding and services. We selected key stages in the mapped-out user journey to introduce those ads to our client’s audience and to best guide a user along that journey. Finally, we set up a system for tracking all of that data to gauge future improvements and growth.

Since this process worked so effectively for us, we broke down the process into a few steps and established them visually in our infographic to share with others. By following our process, you too can set up an effective content distribution strategy utilizing paid media platforms. To learn more, download the full case study for free.

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